A sense of renewal thanks to Marina!2/1/2021 I very nearly decided it was time to leave this website behind me after 11 years but I couldn't quite bring myself to delete it. I honestly thought I had taken all things Jane as far as I could and said all the things that had to be said.
So, what then changed my mind? Well, I came across an excellent page called, 'Marina's Muses' and I was moved to see that Marina had created a most wonderful tribute to Jane and it made me fall in love with her all over again. I have just re-read the excellent but somewhat romanticised biography, Jane Avril of the Moulin Rouge by Jose Shercliff and following on from that I decided that rather than delete this website I would instead update and refresh it. This website still serves as a useful reference guide to those who are new to Jane or for those who are undertaking projects that are closely connected with Jane. Such a resource should not be lost and I thank all those of you who have contacted me over the years telling me how much you enjoyed the content and how useful it has been. The link to, 'Marina's Muses' is https://marinamade.me/2020/07/28/jane-avril-toulouse-lautrec/ Enjoy - Here's to another decade! Craig
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