I was recently watching the film "As Good as it Gets" (1997) starring Jack Nicholson, Holly Hunt and Greg Kinnear.
During a scene (i'll let you discover it for yourself) Jane Avril made a background appearance in the shape of the famous Toulouse-Lautrec 1893 lithograph Divan Japonais. Hmmm, it got me to thinking - how many other subtle appearances has she made on the silver screen? The hunt is on! Oscar Wilde - Oh dear, here we go again.8/20/2012 On 11th September 2010 I remarked on how sad it was to see the state of the gravestone sculpture that marks the final resting place of Oscar Wilde. On 12th March 2011 my blog entry confirmed that the problem had finally been solved. The stone was given a deep clean and the sculpture surrounded by a glass protective barrier. Problem solved? Well it seems not. The reports coming out of Paris are that admirers are finding new ways in which to express their admiration for the great man. As expected, some are just leaving lipstick kisses on the glass surround. No problem, this can simply been cleaned away periodically. However, other more determined admirers are climbing the glass surround and leaving kisses on the upper part of the sculpture. In addition, others are throwing flowers over the glass surround and sadly these are composting on the inside. Can't people just find a way of showing their affection for Oscar in a more considered way? - It seems not! Perhaps the glass barrier needs to be even higher, how sad that would be. Categories |