Timeline - Key events in French history which were to take place during the life and times of Jane Avril.
1853: Haussman redesigns Paris
1854: Bourseul in France builds an experimental telephone
1868: Jane Avril is born (Jun. 9, 1868)
1870-71: Franco-Prussian War
1871: Third Republic
1885: Louis Pasteur discovers rabies vaccine
1889: Eiffel Tower constructed during the Universal Exhibition of 1889 in order to commemorate the centennial of the French Revolution
1891: First metro station opens
1895: Lumière brothers build a portable movie camera
1895: Paris audience sees movies projected. (leaving the Lumiere Factories - Dec. 28, 1895)
1898-1906: The Dreyfus Affair - anti semitic French army
1900: Paris Exhibition
1900 - Oscar Wilde dies in Paris
1901 - Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec dies
1905: Charles Pathé colours black and white films by machine
1907: Lumière brothers invent still colour photography process
1909: Blériot flies across the English Channel
1911: Diaghilev brings the Russian ballet to Paris
1914-1918: World War 1
1917 - Téodor de Wyzewa dies in Paris
1919: Versailles Treaty signed in the Hall of Mirrors
1920: Interment of the Unknown Soldier
1924: The Olympic Games held in Paris
1929-1939: The Depression
1939: France declares war on Germany
1940: Paris falls, Vichy's government formed
1943: Jane Avril dies (Jan. 16, 1943)
1944-45: D-Day and Allied Victory and Fourth Republic led by Charles de Gaulle - Jane Avril never lived to see Paris liberated
1854: Bourseul in France builds an experimental telephone
1868: Jane Avril is born (Jun. 9, 1868)
1870-71: Franco-Prussian War
1871: Third Republic
1885: Louis Pasteur discovers rabies vaccine
1889: Eiffel Tower constructed during the Universal Exhibition of 1889 in order to commemorate the centennial of the French Revolution
1891: First metro station opens
1895: Lumière brothers build a portable movie camera
1895: Paris audience sees movies projected. (leaving the Lumiere Factories - Dec. 28, 1895)
1898-1906: The Dreyfus Affair - anti semitic French army
1900: Paris Exhibition
1900 - Oscar Wilde dies in Paris
1901 - Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec dies
1905: Charles Pathé colours black and white films by machine
1907: Lumière brothers invent still colour photography process
1909: Blériot flies across the English Channel
1911: Diaghilev brings the Russian ballet to Paris
1914-1918: World War 1
1917 - Téodor de Wyzewa dies in Paris
1919: Versailles Treaty signed in the Hall of Mirrors
1920: Interment of the Unknown Soldier
1924: The Olympic Games held in Paris
1929-1939: The Depression
1939: France declares war on Germany
1940: Paris falls, Vichy's government formed
1943: Jane Avril dies (Jan. 16, 1943)
1944-45: D-Day and Allied Victory and Fourth Republic led by Charles de Gaulle - Jane Avril never lived to see Paris liberated